Monday 30 May 2011


So yeahh.. "EXAMS"
Still going on and I had my Mandarin and Bahasa Indonesia todayy.
The exams is pretty difficult, yeah, that's why it is called "EXAMS"

Want me to define the word "EXAMS"? What are "EXAMS" exactly?
A formal written, spoken or practical test, especially at school or college, to see how much you know about a subject, or how much you can do. its the OXFORD dictionary who defined it.
If I would define, it would be: a piece of paper, that will torture and make your life difficult :]
Woahh, I just found another meaning of "EXAMS" that OXFORD defines, its a medical test of a PARTICULAR PART of the BODY. hahahahaaaa...

Yeshhh!!!! Tomorrow's exam will be easier.
We will be having mathematics and bahasa indonesia again.. woohooooo (:
The next day after tomorrow, will be the last day of exam, but it would be a torture, SCIENCE!
I guess I love science so much, but not the examss, likee, I failed the exam last year. But oh well, I didn't fail at the final report. Its like 30+ pagess and all you can do is guess and drool. And the pictures were not clear enough that made us more confused.
Ah well, is it my fault or the setter's fault? idk too.

yahhh, well, bye for noww first!

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